SDE Martial Arts




It is the aim of the S.D.E. Karate Club to foster self-confidence, self-defence and sport, through the dedicated practice of Shotokan Karate, Jitsu, Kobudo, Fitness & Practicial Application.

Karate practice is not limited by age or athletic ability and many people of all age groups and abilities take part. Respect and discipline are essential for the safe practice of karate and therefore are encouraged in the club. Our aim is to teach karate to the highest level, ‘ALL AGES AND ABILITIES’

Each member of the club is encouraged to reach their full potential. Like any sport / art, to play at the highest level (black belt) demands dedication and perseverance and this develops a ‘can–do’ attitude which carries over into all aspects of life.


We aim to build schools where students are inspired to serve and protect the weak within any given community and totally dedicated to training, drills and growth within their local club.

To build a club that is recognized and that supports and builds young people’s dreams,hope, pride and purity . To provide the students with a firm platform to make great achievements in other areas of their life, now and in the future.

Young people are often at an increased risk of being disengaged from school and involved in anti social behavior. We aim to provide is a holistic art that focuses the student with the ability of harnessing their temperament and using this to improve themselves; to achieve goals, increase personal development and have great health.

To engage young people through proactive ventures. For all young people to have the opportunity to perform; building leaders to mentor the young and inspire the mature.

To work proactively in engaging people from various cultures within the community, celebrating diversity in culture, ethnicity, age and allowing people with differences to come together for a bigger purpose.


SDE is constituted of people from diverse ethnicities, ages, genders, beliefs, and occupations who come together as students from all levels of the Martial Art of Karate. Karate’s versatility as a competitive sport, art form, and practical defensive learning allows it to fit into anyone’s lifestyle.

SDE Martial Arts hopes to spread its enthusiasm about the personal and health benefits of traditional Japanese karate.

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